Marketing AI Institute By-Lined Article Guidelines

Write for Marketing AI Institute
We accept by-lined articles for our Marketing AI Institute blog on a very selective basis. Articles must be original content (not previously published elsewhere), objective in nature and display a high level of expertise for the topic at hand.
We are specifically interested in expert insight and actionable articles related to AI in these areas:
- Categories: Advertising, Analytics, Communications, Content Marketing, Conversational, Data Management, Email Marketing, Sales, SEO and Social Media Marketing
- Industries: Finance, Health Care, Insurance, Manufacturing, Retail
- Business of AI: Bias, Compliance, Culture, Ethics, Humanization of Brands, Jobs, Organizational Charts, Digital Transformation, Privacy
Interested in writing for Marketing AI Institute? Submit your article using the form below. But, first, please read our guidelines to help maximize your chances of getting published.
Tips for getting published:
- Write for our audience. Our content is created for marketing leaders interested in understanding, piloting and scaling AI within their marketing departments. We largely cater to non-technical audiences, meaning readers do not need backgrounds in analytics, data science or programming to understand and apply what we teach.
- Articles should be conversational in style, objective and thought-provoking. Our goal is to stimulate conversations and collaboration among industry professionals.
- Articles should contain clear takeaways or advice relevant to our target audiences. We’re especially interested in ‘How to’ articles that provide our readers with tangible insights, case studies—including lessons learned, and thought leadership pieces on topics like ethics, privacy, data management, compliance, and other business of AI considerations. Read historical posts for a better idea of the type of content we publish.
- Only original content will be published; please do not send us articles that have been distributed elsewhere.
- For easy readability, use short paragraphs, headings, bullets and bolding, as appropriate. See past Marketing AI Institute posts for sample formatting.
- Articles should be no shorter than 500 words, and no longer than 2,000 words.
- Properly attribute all data, research and quotations.
- Hyperlink all sources and companies.
- Include a brief author bio (200 characters or less), and links to the author’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts (if applicable) within your submission.
- While we allow links back to your own content within your article, keep these to a minimum and only when appropriate. We will remove excess or unrelated links, and too many links may have your content flagged as self-promotional. You may not link to gated content. All linked content must be open and accessible.
- Disclose any relationships to companies, in which you have a vested interest, including, but not limited to: employee, investor, board member, client or agency technology partner.
- Avoid self promotion. All submitted articles should be objective in nature, and not be deemed as selling a particular product or service.
- Ensure your article is grammatically sound. Use a spell check tool.
- Submit articles in Microsoft Word format.
- Include 3-5 alternate headlines to accompany your piece. Keep in mind that Marketing AI Institute editors reserve the right to edit or change headlines, and copy, as needed.
- Completed articles can be submitted below. Note: Pitches are not accepted.
Other important items to note:
- We do not pay our guest authors.
- If your article is selected, you’ll hear from us within one month. Due to the volume of submissions, you may not hear back from us if your article is not chosen.
- We reserve the right to edit articles and headlines for clarity and brevity, and to meet Marketing AI Institute style and standards, as well as to decline submissions altogether.
- Our team works on a quarterly editorial calendar. If your article is time-sensitive, please note why in the submission. We cannot guarantee to publish by a specific date.
- Authors are welcome to republish articles on their own personal or company blogs once a piece is published on Marketing AI Institute. Please wait 30 days to re-publish, cite Marketing AI Institute and link to the original article on our site with the appropriate rel=” canonical” attributions.
- If published, we appreciate your help sharing the article on social, your website, within your email newsletter, etc. The more engagement we see with a post, the more likely we are to accept future content from a particular author or on a particular topic.
Thank you for your interest in our community. We look forward to your contributions!
Submit Your Article Here
Completed Articles Only. We Do Not Accept Pitches.