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[The Marketing AI Show: Episode 13] AI for CMOs: Andrea Brimmer, Ally

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The Marketing AI Show brings you a special episode in our AI for CMOs podcast series, brought to you by Persado. This series kicks off with Andrea Brimmer, Chief Marketing and PR Officer at Ally.

The idea behind the series is to tell the story of AI and digital transformation through the experiences of CMOs from diverse backgrounds who are leading the understanding and adoption of AI in their organizations.

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Episode 13: AI for CMOs series with Andrea Brimmer, Ally

In this week's episode, show host Paul Roetzer sits down with Andrea Brimmer, Chief Marketing and PR Officer of Ally. This is the second episode in our AI for CMOs series where Paul Roetzer talks CMOs leading the way when it comes to piloting and scaling AI within their organizations.

Paul and Andrea discuss the role of AI and intelligent technology in this all-digital financial services organization, what steps Andrea takes to ensure their marketing is continually fresh, effective, powerful, and forward-thinking, and who is working on “marketing” in the future.

Plus, a great conversation about gamification. Are you Animal Crossing fans? This episode might be for you.


[00:05:15] Ally’s giant bet on mobile 

[00:05:59] Who is Ally?  

[00:14:54] AR, VR, and gamification…including Animal Crossing

[00:20:30] How Ally uses Persado

[00:25:00] Leaning into the places where you can absorb knowledge; how Andrea’s team continues to learn and spark ideas



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Disclaimer: This transcription was written by AI, thanks to Descript.

[00:00:00] Paul Roetzer: Welcome to The Marketing AI Show. This episode is part of our AI for CMOs series presented by Persado. The idea behind the series is to tell the story of AI and digital transformation through the experiences of CMOs from diverse backgrounds who are leading the understanding and adoption of AI in their organizations. While AI has forecasted trillions of dollars in annual impact on businesses, many marketers are just beginning to explore how it can impact their careers and organizations and trying to figure out how to get started.

[00:00:30] Stories like we'll hear today from today's guest gives us an inside look at what it's like to pilot and scale AI and marketing. I am honored to be joined today by Andrea Brimmer, the Chief Marketing and PR Officer for Ally. Andrea was recognized by Forbes last year as one of The 50 Most Influential CMOs in the World. That's a big deal. Welcome, Andrea!

[00:00:50] Andrea Brimmer: I had to show it in print to my parents for them to believe it.

[00:00:54] Paul Roetzer: I love it. I know you've got some accolades, we'll go through some of the other ones that wasn't your first recognition for the work you've done, but I always love to start with the origin story and kind of go back.

[00:01:04] And I know you're a big Michigan State booster/ fan/ alumni. Very proud alum there. Yeah. And you were advertising major. So I want to talk why advertising, like what led you into advertising in college? And then talk a little bit about the early days of your careers. I think you worked at an ad agency then once you left Michigan State.

[00:01:22] Andrea Brimmer: Yeah, the origin story is nowhere near the present day story.

[00:01:26] I never thought I'd be doing a podcast talking about something called AI. When I started in the agency business, my first job was routing key lines for catalogs for Chevrolet that were going to be printed and shipped by the millions to car dealerships. So it's quite a transformation over time.

[00:01:46] But yeah, to your point, Paul, I went to Michigan State. I wanted to be in advertising ever since I was a little kid. I've always been fascinated by brands and what makes people fall in love with brands and why we'll pay a premium price for something that has the exact same functionality as something else?

[00:02:05] Like if you fast forward to today, you know, why there's the Samsung vs. Apple wars. Like, if somebody has got a green phone , do you date 'em or don't you date 'em?, if their messages come up green.

[00:02:18] Paul Roetzer: I actually, hadn't heard of that. I know the anger that comes from that when someone breaks the text thread and you got five people on it, and one of them is not on...

[00:02:25] Andrea Brimmer: Totally, you're just like, oh God, you know, I can't text you from the air because you're green.

[00:02:30] Damn it. And so, you know, It was just something that always intrigued me and something that always interested me. I went to Michigan State. I was a huge fan of Michigan State, but, but additive to that, I actually played soccer. And I was recruited to go play up there and I played varsity soccer for four years at Michigan State on the women's team and went through the Communication Arts and Sciences School.

[00:02:52] And then when I graduated. I really wanted to work on a big brand. I just wanted to work on a big, iconic brand. I didn't care what it was, but big, you know, whether it was Coca-Cola or Delta or you name it, didn't care, I just wanted to work on a big brand. And I was fortunate enough to land on the Chevrolet brand at Campbell Ewald here in Detroit, which made things easy.

[00:03:14] And you know, just kind of worked my way through the organization here, held a myriad of different roles until ultimately I was running the account and I was actually the first woman and the youngest person to ever run the Chevrolet account in the 90 plus year history that Campbell-Ewald had the account, so it was kinda cool.

[00:03:33] And you know, learned every single aspect of the business. As I kind of earned my keep moving through the ranks at Campbell-Ewald.

[00:03:41] Paul Roetzer: And then you moved over to, was a GMAC at the time when you moved over in 2006?

[00:03:45] Andrea Brimmer: It was, I was recruited by the president of GMAC. They had just been spun off from GM.

[00:03:52] It was during the bankruptcy and believe it or not, they didn't have a marketing department. So they were creating a marketing department kind of from the ground up. And I was recruited over to run brand. I wasn't recruited as the CMO. There was a new CMO in place, actually a Cleveland guy.

[00:04:09] And I was brought over as brand executive and my first assignment was. "Go create this new brand. We've got to come to market really fast. We can't come to market as General Motors Acceptance Corporation. We're going to be a whole new kind of company. We're going to market to consumers. Now we're going to do business with every kind of dealer that's out there. Auto dealer... we need a new name. We need a new brand identity. We need to build something from the ground up. And oh, by the way, we're going to launch this digital bank, which if you think about it, we launched the same year that the iPhone launched. So we made this giant bet that everybody was going to bank in the palm of their hand.

[00:04:47] So it was really a fascinating opportunity. And here is a little known fact, I took a pay cut to go because I thought it was such a cool opportunity. And I wanted to go do it. So when, when young people ask me should I always move for money? I'm like, I actually took a pretty sizable pay cut to go do this because I thought it was so interesting.

[00:05:05] Paul Roetzer: So you looked down and saw mobile as the future. I mean, at that point you were really looking at it thinking, wow, it's hard for some people, especially younger generation to think back to like 2006. But whenever I give talks to universities, I just did one not too long ago at Ohio University where I came from and you're standing there in front of these kids and you're like explaining it and like, yeah, you know, like social media, wasn't actually a thing.

[00:05:25] That was 2006 and then the iPhone was 2007. Like the world changed after that. And then I'm like, when were you all born? And they're like, oh, 2002. I'm like, oh!

[00:05:37] Andrea Brimmer: I know. I was watching a movie the other night. And they were like doing the dial-up on on AOL in the movie. And I was like, I even forgot about that.

[00:05:45] I think about how hard it was. Now we get frustrated if our little wheel's spinning for more than 10 seconds and we disconnect and go to another site. So it's amazing how far we've come.

[00:05:56] Yeah. So, one, for people who aren't familiar with Ally. I actually just bought a new car and I have Ally, which is cool.

[00:06:04] And the experience has actually been really seamless. I really enjoy it. But that was actually my first real exposure to the brand. I mean, I'm familiar with the brand obviously, but hadn't been a customer, hadn't really thought about it. What does Ally, do for people who aren't familiar? Maybe know it for one thing and not the other, what does the organization do?

[00:06:20] Well, now we got to get you to open a bank account, Paul, by the end of this, I'll have convinced you. So we're really the only full scale digital financial services company in the country. We do everything from auto loans as you mentioned, we do business with over 20,000 dealers across the country and we make auto loans both on a direct and an indirect basis, as well as finance dealer inventory, their buildings, all that kind of good stuff.

[00:06:46] But the consumer side of our business, we are a full-scale bank. So we've got savings products, checking products. We've got a new credit card. We offer mortgages and we have an invest platform, both self-directed, and managed portfolios, and we've got a personal lending part of our organization as well.

[00:07:09] And I think that the difference is no branches, no brick and mortar, 100% digital, whether you're getting a mortgage through us or whether you're getting a lending product through us, it can be done all in the palm of your hand.

[00:07:24] Paul Roetzer: And we're talking about 8,500+ employees, sound about, right?

[00:07:27] Andrea Brimmer: Yeah. We're actually over 10,000 now, 10,500 employees. We're a Top 25 bank. We have about $150 billion in retail deposits, over 10 million customers now. So you know, we've come a long come a long way from 2007. And you know, that origin story is spinning out of GM's bankruptcy to where we are today and what we've built.

[00:07:49] And it's an incredibly powerful brand. Our sentiments in the financial services category is in the high nineties in terms of positive sentiment. We're three times the category and really everything's been built around the mantra of "do it right." And putting the customer at the center of every single conversation and really living by those deeds, not words, and trying to solve the customer pain points, which was the whole reason for the solution to begin with.

[00:08:15] Paul Roetzer: I love when I dug into the brand a little bit coming in, saw the "do it right" campaign and the origin of that brand. And then the involvement with the women's soccer league and NASCAR. It sounds like a very human focused organization, like trying to do good in the community, work with organizations that you care about as a brand.

[00:08:33] So yeah, I was intrigued to learn more about the organization coming into this, and I appreciate that.

[00:08:38] Andrea Brimmer: Very much so. When we started the brand, this notion of being a good citizen of the world was there from the get. And, and I know it's pretty popular now, but it's been part of who and what we've been about since we began.

[00:08:50] And it guides a lot of our decisions. Like you mentioned, national women's soccer league, we were an early adopter there and not only are we a partner of the league, but we did a deal with the players association as well, which is pretty rare to be on both sides of the coin because we thought the players needed support, especially through everything that they went through last year with a lot of scandals kind of riddling what was happening to the players. So just a big part of how we're driven and really an ethos that comes down from JB, who's our CEO, and this idea of, he always says financial services that truly serve. And that's really what guides us.

[00:09:29] Paul Roetzer: So for our Marketing AI Conference, which I think I mentioned to you when we were connecting, I created this tagline More Intelligent, More Human. And the whole idea was when we're talking about artificial intelligence, what we were trying to do is not teach people hacks and shortcuts to cut staff and drive efficiency.

[00:09:45] It was this belief that we have this unique opportunity in marketing and in business to make everything we do more intelligent to get smarter technology, to use data in more informed ways, and in the process, free brands up to become more human, to actually focus on empathy and community and things like that.

[00:10:02] So I kind of love as a lead into our conversation about AI today, it seems like that's the kind of organization you represent and the kind of brand that you're building, which is really cool. And obviously with the business lines, you have a lot of data. So when we talk about AI, one of the core components is to have data.

[00:10:20] When I did some research on your organization in advance, went on LinkedIn going to Sales Navigator, and you can kind of search for titles and everything, and Ally has 24 employees with artificial intelligence or machine learning in their title. There are nine working on conversational AI and then a digital content strategist-AI.

[00:10:40] Can you talk a little about... I don't think the conversational AI people reported to marketing, maybe they do, but I'm fascinated actually learn about the organizational structure and where these people sit and what role they play in your strategy and vision for the organization?

[00:10:54] Andrea Brimmer: Yeah, absolutely. Well, so obviously as a digitally native company, the importance of having a really significant kind of digital in an IT organization is critical.

[00:11:07] And we brought an amazing CIO in and I guess it's been two years now. I think we're all living in pandemic time. So we, we lose track of time. He came over from Honeywell and American Express before that, and really is our Chief Digital Transformation Officer, more than anything else.

[00:11:23] And so probably have, you know, I, we have such a large organization within, within IT. It would be hard to get to the nitty-gritty in terms of everybody that's got AI in our title, but we've got everything from certainly conversational AI with our Ally Assist, which we launched several years ago.

[00:11:42] Paul Roetzer: Is that Alexa-powered? Is that what I read?

[00:11:44] Andrea Brimmer: Well, it's, it's basically chatbot where you come in and can have a conversation with us in our channels.

[00:11:52] We have an AI Center of Excellence within Sathish (Muthukrishnan)'s organization that provides specialties, which is kind cool. We have a lot of AI that we use to really look across processes. And you know, kind of to the point that you were making, automate things that were manual processes, copying information from one system into another to make work easier. And then we're using a lot of AI, obviously for document management to extract ID numbers from documents, to be extracting things like income, information, etc., to, you know, kind of read documents and take some of the human error factors out of the equation.

[00:12:32] We don't use AI at all to make financial decisions on loan approvals or credit line decisioning, rather really using AI to be able to empower conversations between customers and us, as well as using AI to really be able to make processes easier and make us move faster.

[00:12:52] Paul Roetzer: Well in the realm of performance or creativity, I know I was watching this pretty incredible talk on future of advertising from WPP recently. And they were just talking about all the ways that AI is finding itself into the creation of advertising. Is that an area where you've started to look at either from a media buying budget allocation or assisting in the creativity of the ads? Is that something you've played around with at all?

[00:13:16] Andrea Brimmer: We haven't done that yet, but I'll tell you, we have used a lot of augmented reality and virtual reality persistently and consistently in the seven-year tenure that I've had as CMO. And you know, I'll give you a few examples. Probably about six years ago now we created a virtual reality game that lived as an app on your phone.

[00:13:37] And we launched it for the Super Bowl, but the cool thing about it is it only worked during the commercial breaks of the Super Bowl, and it was a way to interrupt what other marketers were doing. And it was a really cool game where we asked you to come in and tell us what you were saving for. And then you played this game where money would rain down in whatever room you were in and you had to catch it as fast as you could put it in a virtual piggy bank and the top 10 people with the highest scores, we granted their savings wish.

[00:14:05] We took Monopoly a couple of years ago, which is a game about banking and we built physical live Monopoly boards in six different cities, giant Monopoly boards, but it was all an augmented reality experience once you got to the pieces. So you used an app. And Mr. Monopoly would come to life and different pieces from the game would come to life and give you clues on how to go from board piece to board piece.

[00:14:32] We created an island in Animal Crossing.

[00:14:35] Paul Roetzer: I heard... was that the Gary Vee one you were talking about that? My kids are obsessed with Animal Crossing. I want to see it.

[00:14:39] Andrea Brimmer: We actually broke the game. Which is crazy. We've created a world in Minecraft called Fintropolis so if you've got kids that are there.

[00:14:47] Paul Roetzer: My son is obsessed, my daughter too, 10 and nine that's all they do is Minecraft.

[00:14:51] Andrea Brimmer: Tell them to download Fintropolis, it's a game on financial literacy. The point is we've used technology like VR, AR, aI to engage people on a subject that is really important: financial literacy and managing your money. But it's a subject that people are apathetic about because it's not sexy.

[00:15:15] And it's scary. And you don't want to have the money talk, especially with your bank. And so that's been our door in, that's been really interesting. I know I'm kind of going on and on, but in terms of how we've used AI creatively, we definitely have used it in CRM. So we've used a lot of tools from a CRM standpoint to bring in real time information on creative messaging and optimization, whether it's a happy birthday email that we'll update depending on what time you open it, all the way to emails that will update based on when you've applied for a mortgage and where you're at in the process.

[00:15:52] And kind of everything in between so that when we talk with you, We're talking to you in real terms and the information we're pushing at you does not seem dated.

[00:16:03] Paul Roetzer: When you're doing these kinds of innovative approaches are you working with the CIO Sathish and his team? Is it an outside agency? Because one of the challenges that I'm seeing is like, we have been searching for CMOs who can talk about AI, and it's really hard to find. So what I've kind of started leaning toward is that I think it's actually the Chief Digital or Chief Digital Transformation Officer or the CIO where a lot of it is living.

[00:16:28] And then the CMOs are actually in partnership with these teams. Is that how? How does that work? Like when you have a vision for an idea, but you don't know how to execute it, you don't have the data that's required or you don't know how you're going to do it, Do you work with an outside team or is it in certain internal departments that are structured that way?

[00:16:44] Andrea Brimmer: It's largely internal. I would characterize it as a blended approach. I think one of the things that Sathish really liked when he decided to come over and join was the partnership that could exist between he and I, and I think the brands that are winning are the brands where the CIO and CMO are really tightly connected and share a vision for the technology roadmap.

[00:17:07] And then have a great CFO, which we do, that believes in investment capacity and freeing up the right kind of investment capacity to power the things to set you up for the future. So, you know, great example: when I kind of launched and I came in as a CMO and launched the first game that we did, that savings game during the Super Bowl that I mentioned to you, there were a lot of people internally that are like, why are we doing gaming? This is so dumb. Why are you doing that? And we just came back from a leadership conference a couple weeks ago, and everyone was like, thank God you did what you did when you did it!

[00:17:44] Because every brand is scrambling now to get to the metaverse.

[00:17:47] Paul Roetzer: I was going to say, are you in the metaverse yet?

[00:17:49] Andrea Brimmer: I would submit that we were probably one of the first banks in the metaverse and we were in the metaverse before it was even called the metaverse, right? I mean, we were doing digital outdoor boards within games, we were creating worlds and second digital brands for people to interact with.

[00:18:03] And so yes, the, the relationship with Sathish and the team allows us to take ideas and sit and talk through the best ways to bring them to life. But additionally, we do a lot of that on the marketing side as well. So for instance, we use Persado to drive a lot of our ongoing creative invested. A lot of our ongoing messaging and optimization across many, many channels.

[00:18:25] And to allow us to literally test hundreds of variations of marketing collateral. And so, you know, I think it's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and that's really how brands are succeeding today.

[00:18:37] Paul Roetzer: How is it affecting the way you look at the hiring process for your marketing talent and/ or the professional development provide? Because I don't... I mean, you may know ,maybe Michigan state students... but I've talked to a lot of universities. I have friends that are presidents of universities. There isn't that much innovative marketing curriculum being taught at scale at these universities. So the students aren't coming out knowing how to market in the metaverse, but maybe that will live in the metaverse

[00:19:04] How do you think about the future of marketing talent? Like, are you taking it on yourself and your team to develop people and help them think strategically about all these new places where you can be? Or are you hiring for people that have done this before. Is it a mix?

[00:19:19] Andrea Brimmer: You know, it's definitely a mix. So, I happen to sit on the board of the Michigan State Communication Arts and Sciences Professional Advisory Board.

[00:19:29] And so we work really closely with Theresa Maston, who's the Chair there, to help develop curriculum. And I think it's really important for marketers that are listening to this that they're working with universities in some way, shape or form getting on those boards and helping shape the right kind of curriculum.

[00:19:45] So that we're breeding the future of marketing to be prepared for the evolution that's occurring in front of us. I try and allocate my time to two thirds of it doing what I call my day job, but a third of it really having an active learning agenda and spending as much time as I can almost kind of training myself, reaching out to other brands.

[00:20:08] I'm not big in terms of necessarily going to conferences, but voracious in terms of reading and learning what other marketers have done, especially in this space, or other companies have done, and then reaching out to them and kind of trying to be a sponge and learning from them. Actually I called this morning with somebody from AB/ InBev that's doing some really breakthrough stuff.

[00:20:28] And I think that's a lot of the ways we're all learning from one another, listening to podcasts, doing these kinds of things. And then I think third is is hiring different kinds of people. So for instance, we just hired a gaming team. In my organization, they don't have any marketing experience. They're gamers and they have a complete gaming background and they're just going to sit, and their whole job all day is going to be to develop our gaming strategy, to figure out how to create an Ally arcade, to figure out how we can stay current. And really push into the spaces that we need to push into.

[00:21:03] And I know Sathish is doing a lot of that as well, which is hiring outside of traditional industries so that we're ensuring we're getting best of breed thinking.

[00:21:13] Paul Roetzer: I love that idea. We have a book coming out on marketing and AI in June and we have a section on talent.

[00:21:18] And one of the things I went and looked at is how many brands are actually hiring astrophysicists. So people are moving away from like modeling universe to personalized clothing apparel for people. It's like you're hiring these different minds, different ways of thinking about things. But when you go down the path of personalization through data and predictions about behavior, You realize, that's not a marketer, you actually need somebody who does that.

[00:21:42] So I'm always intrigued to talk to really forward thinking people and like, what does five years from now look like? What is the marketing organization structured with, and what people from these disciplines that you would have never thought about are key. And some of it is like these early bets, like you're making, like, gaming's going to be big.

[00:21:58] Mobile's gonna be big. Like you see out into where you think it's going. And then you try and build a team of people who can help you bring that reality to life, which is really cool way to look at it.

[00:22:08] Andrea Brimmer: Yeah. And I think the thing that's important is I think everybody has to realize you're going to be in a constant state of evolution now, there's no set it and forget it in our business.

[00:22:16] Paul Roetzer: Faster and faster change.

[00:22:18] Andrea Brimmer: Faster, faster, move at the speed of culture, move at the speed of the consumer and then lean into the places where you can absorb knowledge, you know, next week we're actually doing a knowledge session with Accenture and they're going to come in and we bought a bunch of Oculuses and we're going to spend a half a day in the metaverse and, and develop a number of just kind of theoretical ideas and then do sprints against it as a marketing organization, in partnership with our IT people to try to bring the life some of the ideas that day. And you just have to do a lot of that. There has to be a time allocation right now in our business to learning. And if not it's really hard to keep up.

[00:23:00] Paul Roetzer: Now when you're doing stuff like that with the sprints, are you working with Ally Ventures? Like I know you have the venture arm that does investments in startups. And I know AI machine learning is one of the areas that they're focused on. Like, are you, are you not only thinking about these ideas as campaigns, but like, Hey, maybe we build something and then the venture team gets pulled in or do you have any connection there?

[00:23:20] Andrea Brimmer: Yes. The way that the venture team works is the venture team really exists to make investments in fintechs and as well as to find interesting startup resources that are out maybe kind of in the landscape where they could bring back an expertise or specialty to us that might be useful.

[00:23:41] And we definitely have used some of the incubator ideas that have come out of these startups for different things across Ally. You know, I think when we do things more like what we're going to do next week and these sprints it's typically tends to be the folks that are across Sathish's digital transformation organization, and then key people within my organization that are tasked with kind of this innovative thinking and how do we reach the consumer.

[00:24:09] And we'll go out and and develop the ideas and develop these sprints to that extent. And then, you know, we certainly will lean into right external resources, et cetera as I mentioned. RGA who is our digital agency that's got some really significant chops in a lot of these areas. They've got creativity labs and innovation labs, and I think everybody's building those same kind of labs or has them, and I think it's right now, It's a lot of experimentation. It's a lot of learn fast and fail fast and figure out how to build the roadmap that allows you to stay current with what the consumer expectation is right now.

[00:24:46] Paul Roetzer: And I think for marketers from a career perspective, realize how fast it's moving and look for organizations like Ally where if this is the kind of thing that excites you, like you do have to be in organizations that support this.

[00:24:59] Like there are plenty, especially within your realm, like financial services. They're not all forward-thinking nimble organizations. So, if you want to be a part of where it's going, you have to be within environments that embrace change and you know, really try and drive it too.

[00:25:12] Andrea Brimmer: That's a great point. And it's, and it's one of the things we talk about all the time, which is when you get up in the morning you're not comparing your experience with Ally versus your experience with Chase that day and Wells Fargo and Bank of America, you're going to get up and maybe you go into your Ally app and pay your auto loan.

[00:25:31] And then the next thing you're going to do is you're going to pop up and maybe pop into your Netflix app, decide what you're going to watch that night. You might Door Dash some food. You might jump onto the Nordstrom app, buy yourself a new pair of boots. And then go into Apple News and read what's going on.

[00:25:47] Your experience with us is being compared against every great digital brand that you're dealing with during the course of the day. And so we have to think of ourselves in that regard and we have to be developing a roadmap that is building us against the best digital experiences that are out there regardless of category. And that's really the lens we kind of put on everything.

[00:26:17] Paul Roetzer: That might be the perfect way to wrap. But I think like I always tell people, I don't care if you're B2B or B2C. It's consumer expectations is what you're constantly striving to meet. And if your expectation as a consumer is the simplicity and convenience of all these brands you're just talking about and all those apps and experiences, and then you're a B2B marketer and you go to your site and it's totally friction filled, you've got problems. And so I think looking at the best consumer brands and how they're innovating to meet consumer expectations and the demand for personalization without invasion of privacy. That's a really hard threshold to get to as marketers, but that's what's expected of us now.

[00:26:53] Andrea Brimmer: Absolutely. You've gotta walk in the consumer shoes. I mean, one of the things that I just I did at the beginning of this year is I told each one of my leaders go pick something you want to learn about as a team. I don't care what it is and just go try and figure it out.

[00:27:09] Like go buy an NFT, go buy some Oculuses and spend a week in the metaverse. You know, go open a crypto account, like go do all these things, see what consumers are doing right now. Figure it out from the consumer lens. We sponsor, we're the financial services sponsor of Twitch. I said to my team, how many people have a Twitch subscription and are in Twitch playing. Not very many hands go up, right? So go for two weeks and go get into Twitch and go learn about it. It's one thing to have the platform present a bunch of slides to you. It's another thing to go experience it.

[00:27:47] And, and that's, I think, the best way to to keep current, in the world of marketing right now, which is evolving at a faster clip than it ever has in our history.

[00:27:58] Paul Roetzer: 100%. And that's what I tell people with artificial intelligence all the time. It's like, it seems it's this abstract thing. It's not. Just like, go get a free demo of a GPT-3 tool and let it write a draft outline for your blog post or let it create an ad. Or like you have to see this stuff at work. You experience AI all the time in Gmail and Netflix and Spotify, like, but you don't know, and you don't understand what's happening. Go test the tool and see for yourself what it does and how it can drive efficiencies. You're just not going to understand no matter how I explain it to you.

[00:28:24] It's just not going to make sense until you do it yourself. So I think that's such a great way to teach people

[00:28:29] Andrea Brimmer: Yeah, 100%.

[00:28:31] Paul Roetzer: Well Andrea, this has been amazing. I am so grateful for your time. I love what you're doing. I'm a fan of the brand before I was aware of it. And now I understand it and I'm a fan of what you're doing.

[00:28:42] I'm going to be following along. And I really appreciate you taking the time to share your insights and your experiences with everyone. So very helpful.

[00:28:49] Andrea Brimmer: Thank you. My pleasure. Thanks for having us on. And maybe you'll open the bank account now.

[00:28:54] Paul Roetzer: Maybe tomorrow. I'm gonna have to go in and check it out. I have to download my Minecraft thing. I got my kids there. You gotta go check out the Island and Animal Crossing.

[00:29:02] Andrea Brimmer: You can do it right in the app in less than two minutes.

[00:29:04] Paul Roetzer: All right. Well, this has been The Marketing AI Show, be sure to follow or subscribe to the podcast if you're curious about AI and want to continue exploring ways it can transform your business and your career. Andrea, thank you again, and thank you for everyone for being with us today.

[00:29:17] Andrea Brimmer: Thanks Paul.

[00:29:17] Paul Roetzer: All right.

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