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The 2024 State of Marketing AI Report

Get unparalleled insights into the state of AI in the marketing industry.

The 2024 State of Marketing AI Report contains never-before-seen data from nearly 1,800 marketers on AI understanding, usage, and adoption.

In it, you'll discover data on:Untitled design-Aug-30-2024-05-00-30-4056-PM

  • How marketers understand, use, and buy AI technology...
  • The top outcomes marketers want from AI...
  • The top barriers they face when adopting AI...
  • How the industry feels about AI's impact on jobs and society...
  • Who owns AI within companies...
  • ...And much, much more.

Want to get your hands on the research right now?

Fill out the form to get instant access.

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Fill out the form for a free copy of our 2024 State of Marketing AI Report.